Wednesday, March 18, 2015

AF Schools

AF School is a unique and distinctive school which focuses on developing a child in a holistic way located in Tanzania +255 713 022558

AFS is an abbreviation or an acronym

Alice foundation schools this name was delivered from a non-profitable and non-governmental organization which deals with supporting learners in education and empowerment issues.

AF schools is found in Kinondoni district Dar es salaam region, Mbezi luis, Malamba Mawili ward  kwa Osama stage (bus stop)

AF schools is a pre and primary school which uses an integrated British and Tanzania curriculum with other East African countries neighboring Tanzania

AF school is a unique and distinctive school which focuses on developing a child in a holistic way

In a broader perspective AF schools has a wider vision of having a nursery primary and secondary school and of a mature stage having a university

AF school has devoted and competent staff who came from different parts of the world who share and accommodate learners from different cultural backgrounds with a compassionate notion of helping the vulnerable pupils inline of meeting the Tanzania’s vision 2020

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Asante Sana Keri Chryst na Jeff kwakuja kututembelea

Keri Chryst na Jeff wakicheza na kuimba na watoto wa Alice Foundation

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

American Embassy Donated Basketballs to Alice Foundation. We appreciate your support. "together we can do this"

 In the helping of youngsters Alice Foundation planned to use different strategies including arts and sports, in the sports we are organizing a basketball program for two teen’s basketball clubs two different basketball courts around Ubungo ward. We are organizing a club Basketball players for Teens from middle income families at one of the courts located in the NHC Ubungo Flats. These clubs were initiated by the teens themselves but were not sustainable due to various reasons including weak leadership which led to poor coordination and lack of support, although there is a good basketball court in the area. Alice Foundation  talked to the players and agreed to coordinate and monitor the progress of the club and now there are some basketball activities which have started already.

chairperson and Founder Alice Foundation Receiving Basketball From American Embassy Mid this year2012
In another court, which is also located in Ubungo near our office, there is a good basketball court but there were no any basketball activities instead people around the area use the ground for drying their grains and during evening the court is used for boxing exercise instead of basketball activities, although there are some basketball players and basketball lovers from low income families in the surrounding areas. To make it worse the area around the court is used for other unproductive activities such as meeting place for idle youths whom we suspect are engaged in illegal dealings such as smoking marijuana and illicit drinking. Alice Foundation has  organize youths who were basketball players and others who had interest in basketball playing  formed a club. 

we have basketball youngsters clubs in the two basketball courts around Ubungo ward, the aim of that program is to boost and encourage youngsters in their skills, good use of their time and preparing them for the better future.

Our objective was to change the negative attitude and reduce illegal activities for youngsters in the area through sensitizing them to engage in useful activities in order to explore talents, assisting  them have goals for their future, helping them  to put in place strategies to implement what they have planned to achieve their goals. Our ultimate aim is preparing them for the better tomorrow; also our plan is to explore  opportunities for those youths through networking, creating awareness to them on  HIV/Aids and drugs effects including offering different skills such as entrepreneurship skills for those teens who are out of schools.

 Accomplishing our basketball program we appreciate American Embassy (Tanzania) for their support  We, thank you for the indefatigable support you have been extending to the Tanzanian people’s wellbeing.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

women of courage Award 2012-Joaquine De-Mello atunukiwa Tuzo ya Mwanamke Jasiri Tanzania 2012

katika hafla ya kumtunuku Tuzo ya Mwanamke Jasiri Tanzania 2012, Bi. Joaquine De-Mello iliyofanyika katika ubalozi wa Marekani jijini Dar es Salaam  Machi 29.12. De-Mello (wapili kutoka kulia) ni Mwanasheria Kitaaluma na amekuwa Kamishna wa Tume ya Haki za Binadamu na Utawala Bora tangu Mwaka 2008. Aidha Ubalozi wa Marekani hapa Nchini umeamua kumtunuku tuzo hiyo kutokana na juhudi zake za kutetea Haki za Wanawake hapa nchini. PICHA ZOTE/JOHN BADI

 Ofisa wa Mambo ya Nje wa Ubalozi wa Marekani nchini Tanzania, Dana Banks akizungumza wakati wa hafla ya kumtunuku Tuzo ya Mwanamke Jasiri Tanzania 2012, Bi. Joaquine De-Mello iliyofanyika katika ubalozi huo jijini Dar es Salaam leo Machi 29.12. De-Mello ni Mwanasheria Kitaaluma na amekuwa Kamishna wa Tume ya Haki za Binadamu na Utawala Bora tangu Mwaka 2008. Aidha Ubalozi wa Marekani hapa Nchini umeamua kumtunuku tuzo hiyo kutokana na juhudi zake za kutetea Haki za Wanawake hapa nchini. PICHA ZOTE/JOHN BADI
Mwanzilishi na Mwenyekiti wa Alice Foundation ambaye pia ni Mkurugenzi wa Alice Fashion World, Alice James Dosi akikabidhi zawadi ya maua kwa De-Mello kama ishara ya kumpongeza.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Alice Foundation yawakumbuka watoto wanaoishi katika mazingira magumu na hatarishi kwa kuandaa hafla ya michezo na chakula cha mchana 26th april 2012

Hafla  ya michezo pamoja na watoto wanaoishi katika mazingira magumu na hatarishi lengo hasa lilikuwa ni watoto waweze kupata haki yao ya michezo pamoja na kufahamiana na kubadilishana mawazo.watoto walikuwa zaidi ya 400 ambapo wapo wanaosoma shule za msingi na sekondari katika kata yetu ya ubungo watoto hao walishindana michezo mbalimbali ikiwemo mpira wa miguu, mbio za magunia, mbio za kupokezana vijiti, kukimbia na kijiko na yai, kuvuta kamba na maswali ya ufahamu wa afya na mazingira. baada ya mashindano washindi walipata zawadi mbalimbali yakiwemo mabegi ya shule, miswaki, madaftari,kalamu na nyinginezo.
baada ya mashindano ulikuwa ni wakati wa kunywa na kula.. katika watoto hao baadhi ni wale tunao wasomesha, wengine kulipiwa nauli za shule na kupata huduma nyingine za msingi kutoka Taasisi yetu ya Alice Foundation.

Taasisi ya Alice yenye makazi yao eneo la ubungo NHC (sinza legho kituo cha basi)jana iliandaa hafla kwa watoto waishio katika mazingira magumu waishio katika kata ya Ubungo ambapo pia iliwakutanisha watoto hao na wengine waliopo shuleni.

Akizungumza na Elimubora Mkurugenzi wa Alice Foundation , Ms. Alice James Dosi alisema kuwa hafla hiyo inalenga kuwaweka pamoja watoto waishio katika mazingira magumu kuwafariji na kuwapati ushauri nasaha.

Alisema kuwa watoto 400 walishiriki hafla hiyo iliyoshirikisha michezo mbalimbali kama vile kuvuta kamba, mbio za mayai katika kijiko, kunywa soda, kupokezana vijiti, kukimbia na magunia.

Alisema kuwa watoto walifurahia tukio hilo na alisisitiza kuwa litakuwa likifanyika mara kwa mara.

Taasisi hiyo ya Alice inajishughulisha pia na masuala ya utunzaji wa mazingira, uwezeshaji wa akina mama, haki za wanawake, kusaidia watoto waishio mazingira magumu na  masuala ya Mkukuta.

Alice Foundation ikishirikiana na ofisi ya serikali ya mtaa Ubungo NHC na jeshi la polisi yaandaa mkutano wa wazi na wananchi kwa legho la kuelimishana umuhimu wa polisi jamii na ulinzi shirikishi

ACP Kiondo na Mwenyekiti na mwanzilishi wa Alice Foundation wakati wa mkutano na wananchi juu ya polisi jamii na ulinzi shirikishi

 wananchi wakisikiliza kwa makini wakati mgeni rasmi ACP kiyondo akihutubia juu ya polisi jamii na ulinzi shirikishi
 Mkuu wa kituo cha polisi Urafiki Afande Paparika na mwenyekiti wa Alice Foundation Ambaye pia ni mkurugenzi wa Alice Fashion World na Founder wa Alice Foundation  Ms. Alice James Dosi kushoto ni Mr. Chillo Bunto Volunteer wa Alice Foundation
 Afisa mtendaji kushoto akifuatilia kwa makini mafunzo kutoka kwa ACP Kiondo
 wananchi wakisikiliza kwa makini wakati mgeni rasmi ACP kiyondo akihutubia juu ya polisi jamii na ulinzi shirikishi
polisi jamii katika kata yetu ya Ubungo